This first American Indepence Day that I am experiencing as a sole proprietor, small business owner — it feels very American.
We are staying home.
I am looking forward to catching up on the sleep that I missed closing transactions at the end of Q2 2010.
Also, I’m looking forward to giving our garden some love. Because right now, it’s a bit of jungle:

Especially, when compared against the garden immediately post transplants, in May:

Now that it’s finally warm, everything is growing like crazy, including the Nasturtiums:

And, the leeks and onions we didn’t get a chance to harvest in time are now flowering:

Most people would abandon the leeks and onions post flowering, but I’ve found that if you act fast, they fare reasonably well in bakes, stews, and other long-heat forgiving food preparations.
As for tomatoes, we don’t have much. Just a few cherries from the Sun Sugar that appears to have given up the ghost:

and, some promising early turning Heinz tomatoes:

As for me, I look out every day and see all of the green tomatoes and can’t wait for the heat that will make them ripe. Certainly, I may regret the drying, the canning, the stewing, and other means of preservation. But at the moment, I only know one tomato annoyance — and that is impatience for locally grown ripe tomatoes. So, of course, when the annoyance is no more, I suspect I’ll have a different complaint…. wish me well.